Ayurvedic Cooking

I love food and the process of cooking & sharing my creations with other people brings me great joy. Cooking in an Ayurvedic way for me means the food is nurturing on a physical and mental level. Food should be a delight for the senses and leave you well satisfied without any digestive complaints or cravings afterwards.

For each meal I incorporate all the six tastes (sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, astringent), make use of kitchen herbs and spices and adjust the meals to the season, occasion and group. If possible, I cook organic.

I am comfortable and have experience with serving vega(n) meals for events and retreats for max 25 people. For those who come for a massage or consult I occasionally offer the opportunity to purchase a home made Ayurvedic meal as take-away. Detox guidance and recipes can be part of a Nutrition & Lifestyle Consult. 



Upcoming Workshops & Events

Sep 6-8 '24 Yoga, muziek & cacao weekendretreat met Neel van Leeuwen

Wil jij weer in puur contact met jezelf komen? Dan is deze retreat een ultiem cadeau voor en aan jezelf. Tijdens dit weekend neemt Neel je mee op een reis door het landschap van je binnenwereld middels yoga, meditatie, energiewerk, natuur, inspiratie, wellness en heerlijk eten op onze magische locatie in de natuur.

Tijdens dit weekend in september neemt Neel je mee op een reis door het landschap van je binnenwereld. Middels yoga, meditatie, energiewerk, natuur en inspiratie begeleidt Neel je om in puur contact thuis te komen bij jezelf. Op het landgoed gaan we dit weekend voor een diversiteit aan ervaringen. Op vrijdagavond een Ecstatic Dance avond Op De Heuvel onder de sterrenhemel met DJ Isis. Op zaterdagmiddag is er een Cacao (ceremonie) Concert en Sound Healing met Jennifer Ann en Binkie. Het beloofd dus een veelzijdig weekend te worden waar je je helemaal mag laten meevoeren en er alle ruimte is om jezelf in liefdevolle aanwezigheid te ervaren. Alle tijd is nu.

15:00-16:00 uur: Aankomst en inchecken
16:00-17:30 uur: Openingssessie en het landgoed verkennen
17.45 uur: Diner in de Boszaal
19.00 uur: Richting De Heuvel
19.30-21.30 uur: Hartverwarmers: Ecstatic Dance met DJ Isis Op De Heuvel

07.30 uur: Thee en fruit
08.00-09.15 uur: Yoga met Neel
09.15 uur: Ontbijt, erna vrije tijd (wandelen, ontspannen, sauna)
11:00 uur: Inspiratiesessie met Neel
12:30 uur: Lunch, erna vrije tijd (wandelen, ontspannen, sauna)
14:30 uur: Naar de Heuvel om cacao op te halen
15.00-17.00 uur: Hartverwarmers: Concert & Sound Healing Jennifer Ann & Binkie
17:00-17:30: Vrije tijd (wandelen, ontspannen, sauna)
18.30 uur: Diner. erna vrije tijd (wandelen, ontspannen, sauna)
20.00-21.30 uur: Yoga met Neel
Vrije tijd (wandelen, ontspannen, sauna)

08.00-09.15 uur: Yoga met Neel
09.15 uur: Ontbijt, erna vrije tijd (wandelen, ontspannen, sauna)
11.00-12.30 uur: Afsluitende ceremonie
12:30 uur: Lunch
Je dient voor 16.00 uur uit te checken, je bent welkom om na de lunch nog lekker te wandelen of de sauna in te gaan : )

Meer informatie


I had the great fortune of experiencing Kelly's phenomenal cooking at a yoga retreat. Her detail to the energy, color, complex flavors and ayurvedic qualities of each meal was one of the highlights of the retreat. Each meal was a dish of edible artwork! If I ever put on a retreat I would want Kelly to be my chef!
- Anita

I had the pleasure of being nourished by Kelly on a yoga teacher training week.
I was blown away by her cooking - the attention she paid to the individual flavours, colours and textures of vegetables, herbs and grains meant that each meal was a feast for the senses, as well as being beautifully nourishing. My day job is a nutritional therapist, and I learned so much from her - very grateful. I will be exploring Ayurveda further. Thank you Kelly, and I hope to be fed by you again! - Lindsey


Kelly is the most amazing Ayurvedic chef! I was on a multi-day retreat and the meals were such a highlight. Everything she made was simply outstanding; beautiful and simple ingredients put together with such creativity and LOVE. What a talented, lovely human, sharing her gifts in this world. If I didn’t live so far away I would be signing up for every service Your Inner Sanctuary offers.
- Jessica


April 6th '24 | Ayurvedic Chef @ Kundalini Ceremony in Amsterdam, NL

Kundalini Ceremony - Welcoming Spring
Live music & mantra, Kundalini Yoga & energy transmission

Date: Saturday 6th of April
Time: 14.00 - 17.30 hrs
Location: Tempel Amsterdam, Tolstraat 160
Registration: here

March 1-8 '24 | Ayurvedic Chef @ Kundalini Teacher Training Residential, Lottum, NL

More information about the Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training here.

February 16-23 '24 | Ayurvedic Chef @ Kundalini Teacher Training Residential, Lottum, NL

More information about the Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training here.

Nov 4th '23 | Ayurvedic Chef @ Despacho x Kundalini Ceremony in Maarn, NL

During the full day Kundalini & Despacho Ceremony on November the 4th we are going to come together to reconnect with our ancestors. When the ancestral connection is re-established energy can once again flow from the roots, through us and into the next generations. 

What to expect
We will acknowledge and honor those who came before us by creating an Ancestral altar and then take the time to open ourselves for the wisdom and support they can provide in our lives through prayer, chants and meditation. During the Kundalini Yoga session we bring healing into our generational lineage and with the Despacho Ceremony we express gratitude for the guidance and blessings we receive from our ancestors.  

One day retreat including lunch
This one day retreat is offering you the sacred setting of a ceremonial space in which many things can shift and heal. We gather at a beautiful yurt in the middle of the forest and for a full day bundle our energies, our intentions and our loving hearts to heal, celebrate and transform.

The ceremonial music is performed by Mira & Daniel (The Daleeps), the Kundalini Yoga session is guided by Marieke & Tim (Kundalini Yoga School) and the Despacho is created under the guidance of Veronica.   


This full day ceremony includes a nutritious vegan lunch (and some sweets) by me. This meal will be inspired by and tailored to the season and occasion making sure your leave the day well nourished on all levels of your being.


Date: Saturday 4 November
Time: 10 AM - 5 PM
Location: Maarn, The Netherlands

Feb 25th '23 | Ayurvedic Chef @ Despacho x Kundalini Ceremony in Maarn, NL

On Saturday the 25th of February we are going to host a full day Kundalini & Despacho Ceremony in the central part of the Netherlands in a heated yurt in the woods. Our friend Vir has received training from a teacher in Peru who has taught her to share a specific Despacho Ceremony as performed in the Andes. This ceremony is creating Sacred Space for you to transmute heavy energies and re-invite flow back into those areas of your life where you feel stuck.

The Daleeps will be there for gorgeous live music and before the Despacho Ceremony we will ofcourse do a Kundalini Yoga sequence to support the overall intention of the day. This one day retreat is offering you a beautiful opportunity to commune with spirit, with nature and deeply connect with yourself. The sacred setting of a ceremonial space will support you to release, to transform and feel empowered with a soft and open heart.

This full day ceremony includes a nutritious Ayurvedic lunch cooked by me.

Date: Saturday 25 February
Time: 10 AM - 5 PM
Location: Maarn, The Netherlands
More info & Tickets

Dec 11th '23 | Ayurvedic Chef @ Kundalini & Cacao Ceremony, Almere, NL

Sep 2 - 9th '22 | Ayurvedic Chef & Massage therapist @ Kundalini Yoga Retreat, Lottum, NL

Get in touch